Marcos Chin
Professor Plus

Marcos Chin

Nueva York, Estados Unidos

Marcos Chin

Oí! Tudo bem? My name's Marcos... I live in New York City with my little dog Shalby. I've been working as a freelance illustrator for over 15 years and teach illustration and drawing at the School of Visual Arts (SVA) in NYC. My illustrations have appeared as surface, wall and textile designs, on book and CD covers, advertisements, fashion catalogues, and magazines. I've worked with such companies as Google, Starbucks, Apple, Neiman Marcus, Fiat, Harper Collins, Penguin Randomhouse, Time, GQ and The New Yorker. I've been fortunate that my work has enabled me to travel where I've been able to meet some of you at my lectures and workshops. Thank you for checking out my profile page. I hope we can virtually meet and work together! Muito prazer!

Professor de

  • Ilustração criativa: composição e cor

    Aprenda a interpretar visualmente um texto e crie uma ilustração repleta de significado

    Um curso de Marcos Chin, Ilustrador

    88% Desc. Preço original $59.99USD
  • Ilustrações baseadas em personagens: da ideia ao desenho

    Aprenda a transformar formas simples em ilustrações narrativas interessantes com personagens cheios de cor e personalidade

    Um curso de Marcos Chin, Ilustrador

    88% Desc. Preço original $59.99USD


Ingressou em Dezembro de 2019